5 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming A Sex Worker

Becoming a sex worker in Victoria

If you are considering becoming a sex worker in Victoria, Presidential Suite shares their top 5 useful tips for those considering working within the industry.



You have the right to refuse to see a client if you feel uncomfortable. You can’t be fined or punished in any way for refusing a client according to the law under Sex Work Regulations 2006.

Sex workers at Presidential Suite are able to choose their clients just like their clients can choose them. If you feel your services are not a good fit for a client, you do not have to see them.


Keep It Clean

The proprietor of a brothel must provide clean linen and showers and baths with a continuous and adequate supply of hot and cold water for the use of you and your clients (Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008).

At Presidential Suite rooms are kept to a high standard with regular cleaning. It not only promotes a better experience for clients but is a safer working environment for sex workers.


Safety First

The Public Health and Wellbeing Act (2008) states that sex workers must be provided with a free supply of condoms and lubricants at no charge in a brothel. (Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008).

Sex workers must also get regular health checks, getting tested is an important part of overall wellness. There’s no such thing as getting tested too often.


Protect Your Identity

It is recommended to use a ‘working name’ that is very different to your actual name. Protecting your identity is essential for your own personal security and helps to create strong boundaries between your personal and work life.



For individuals considering becoming a sex worker in Victoria, the best advice from Presidential Suite’s sex workers – Save your money!

Make sure you always have a set amount in savings in case of emergencies. Don’t forget that sex work is similar to conventional.


For further information on becoming a sex worker in Victoria visit: sexworker.org.au or call us on  (03) 9775 0880

Work at the Presidential Suite